Finding yard storage should be your top priority when you need a spot to keep your cargo containers. Besides warehousing, Morning Star LLC also provides yard storage for containers and trucks in the greater Seattle area. Morning Star is the best option and has the knowledge and resources to keep your equipment safe.
Read this article to learn all the pros and cons of leasing or renting a yard storage unit.
What Is a Storage Yard?
To put it simply, a storage yard is an outside area that can accommodate large objects like cars, trucks, containers, and boats. Yard storage is less expensive and takes up less room than common storage facilities.
The need for off-site storage of large equipment and supplies is particularly pressing for companies in the construction and manufacturing sectors.
This alternative storage solution makes it possible to keep excess unused machinery and other large objects safely out of the way of current undergoing operations. These areas often include awnings and roofs, giving some protection from the weather.
The Advantages of Yard Storage

The main benefit of renting space from a storage yard is the ability to easily pull up your vehicle and store your containers. The yards are big and spread out, making it simple to move around with heavy equipment. You can safely store large items , vehicles or containers in outdoor storage yards without the hassle of trying to sort out how to get them inside a conventional storage unit.
Another huge benefit is the savings associated with such a rental space. Compared to the cost of an indoor storage unit, the fees associated with using storage yards are far more affordable. There are various pricing structures for renting space. The pricing structure may be based per square foot or by flat charges for predetermined amounts of space.
In addition, many private storage yards also have higher levels of security than public ones. Hosts are reliable and will put in the effort to protect your stored goods.
The Disadvantages of Yard Storage
Everything you store in a storage yard will likely be exposed to the weather. Being subjected to heat, cold, wind, rain, and snow may not be ideal for certain items, so be mindful when choosing what to store outdoors. For your stored belongings or containers to remain weather-safe, you should take protective precautions before putting them away.
Unfortunately, theft is a common concern at many storage yards. Traditional storage facilities might not provide adequate protection, even if they advertise that they do. Make sure you ask detailed questions regarding all the security systems in place. Morning Star LLC offers 24/7 yard security and surveillance.
Furthermore, some storage facilities have restrictions on what kind of items they’ll allow you to store on their premises. For example, residential zones might not permit the storage of tractors, tools, or other heavy machinery. Some companies may impose an additional charge for a particular commodity.
Renting from a private property owner could be the best alternative if you need a secure, reasonably priced storage yard for your heavy-duty items.
What to Search for When Leasing Yard Storage

Storage yards are available in a range of prices and sizes. However, you should keep some critical details in mind when browsing listings. When researching prospective locations, keep the following in mind:
Security and Confidentiality
If the goods you’re storing are valuable, it’s vital to consider security and safety while they’re in storage. Be sure to inquire as to the level of safety provided by your host. There is always the risk of theft or vandalism, especially if ample protection is not in place. Some storage facilities may ask you to sign a liability waiver or request that you perform routine checks on your belongings if they have insufficient security measures.
Morning Star Transport LLC guarantees 24/7 surveillance and security and provides routine checkups by hired security experts who can ensure the safety of your belongings.
Your unit’s location is a significant factor to consider. It is ideal to find a spot that provides all the amenities and services your business will need to utilize to operate efficiently. While looking for a rental space closer to your home may be tempting, doing so may result in higher costs or the absence of necessary amenities. Make sure the yard you rent has adequate space for any large items, vehicles or containers you will need to store or move about on the premises.
If your spot is in a narrow or otherwise inconvenient part of the yard, you may need help getting in and out with large vehicles, which can be a burden. At Morning Star LLC, we provide adequately sized and shaped lots meant for large hauls and the movement of large equipment. In addition, Morning Star has a convenient centralized Seattle, WA location that is quick and easy to access for anyone running a business in the Puget Sound region. Be sure to check if our container yard storage is right for you.
How big are the things you want to put in storage? First, determine how much room you’ll need to store your belongings by taking their dimensions, including their length and width. Next, consider when you can anticipate the expansion of your business and the need to add more items to your storage. These considerations will help pre-plan and ensure you will have adequate space for all your belongings in the near future.
Finally, it would be best to account for how much room you need to move your lot items and containers around comfortably. Having to scramble to locate a second spot to keep your surplus belongings can be avoided with some forethought and careful planning.
In addition to checking to see if your stuff will fit, you need to consider how easy it will be to move it in and out of the area. Search for yards and locations that are accessible at all hours. As a result, you won’t have to adjust your schedule to fit theirs.
Inquiring about the host’s access policies is essential to ensure you can retrieve your possessions easily.
Monitor Your Stored Goods
Make a list of what’s going into a yard before you put anything there. Whether you’re putting away heavy equipment or storage containers, it’s important to accurately document the apparatus or containers’ current condition and any contents stored within.
Besides a list, taking photos is another valuable tool in documenting the state of your belongings in case any suspected damage occurs. Unfortunately, mishaps are more likely to happen in a commercial enterprise corporation than in a private container storage facility.
Having photographic evidence in the event of incurred property damage will help you receive fair compensation.
Inspecting Rental Space Before Committing
Only rent a place or agree to terms after visiting it first. Cherry-picked photos of a storage yard or facility may be misleading or fail to provide essential details.
Checking out the location in advance will give you a good sense of the available room and how you plan to utilize it. You will also be able to examine the facilities provided in your agreement and get an idea of how your operations will run.
Where Can You Rent a Storage Facility?
Even though learning how to rent the best container storage yard may seem daunting, it’s pretty simple when you utilize the helpful staff and spotless secured facilities offered by Morning Star Transport LLC. Our safe, convenient storage facilities and knowledgeable team are here to help your business operate smoothly. Please contact us if you’re interested in checking our container yard storage availability.